PrimeReact AccordionTab Not Rendering When Wrapped in Custom Component: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Refael -

PrimeReact AccordionTab Not Rendering When Wrapped in Custom Component: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you frustrated with your PrimeReact AccordionTab not rendering when wrapped in a custom component? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the common issues that might be causing this problem and provide you with step-by-step solutions to get your AccordionTab up and running.

What’s the Issue?

The PrimeReact AccordionTab is a powerful component that allows you to create collapsible content panels with ease. However, when you wrap it in a custom component, things can get a bit tricky. The AccordionTab might not render as expected, leaving you scratching your head and wondering what went wrong.

Common Causes of the Issue

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a look at some common causes of the issue:

  • Incorrect Component Structure: Make sure your custom component is properly structured and exported.
  • Missing or Incorrect Props: Double-check that you’re passing the required props to the AccordionTab component.
  • CSS Conflicts: Check for any CSS conflicts that might be affecting the rendering of the AccordionTab.
  • Incompatible Library Versions: Ensure that you’re using compatible versions of PrimeReact and its dependencies.

Step-by-Step Solutions

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes of the issue, let’s move on to the solutions. Follow these steps to get your PrimeReact AccordionTab rendering correctly:

Solution 1: Verify Your Component Structure

Make sure your custom component is properly structured and exported. Here’s an example:

// MyAccordionTab.js
import React from 'react';
import { AccordionTab } from 'primereact/accordion';

const MyAccordionTab = ({ header, content }) => {
  return (
    <AccordionTab header={header}>

export default MyAccordionTab;

Solution 2: Check Your Props

Ensure that you’re passing the required props to the AccordionTab component. Here’s an example:

// App.js
import React from 'react';
import MyAccordionTab from './MyAccordionTab';

const App = () => {
  return (
        header="Header 1"
        content="Content 1"
        header="Header 2"
        content="Content 2"

export default App;

Solution 3: Inspect Your CSS

Check for any CSS conflicts that might be affecting the rendering of the AccordionTab. You can use the browser’s developer tools to inspect the element and identify any styles that might be causing the issue.

Solution 4: Check Library Versions

Ensure that you’re using compatible versions of PrimeReact and its dependencies. You can check the PrimeReact documentation for the recommended versions.

Advanced Troubleshooting

If the above solutions don’t work, it’s time to get a bit more advanced. Here are some additional troubleshooting steps:

Use the React DevTools

Use the React DevTools to inspect the component tree and identify any issues with the AccordionTab component. You can also use the DevTools to debug your custom component and identify any rendering issues.

Check the PrimeReact Documentation

Refer to the PrimeReact documentation for the AccordionTab component to ensure that you’re using it correctly. You can also check the documentation for any known issues or limitations.

Search for Existing Issues

Search for existing issues on the PrimeReact GitHub page or other online forums to see if anyone else has encountered the same problem. You might find a solution or a workaround that can help you resolve the issue.


In conclusion, the PrimeReact AccordionTab not rendering when wrapped in a custom component issue can be frustrating, but it’s often caused by simple mistakes or oversights. By following the solutions outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue and get your AccordionTab rendering correctly.

Remember to verify your component structure, check your props, inspect your CSS, and check library versions. If you’re still having trouble, don’t hesitate to try advanced troubleshooting steps or seek help from the PrimeReact community.

Solution Description
Verify Component Structure Ensure your custom component is properly structured and exported.
Check Props Verify that you’re passing the required props to the AccordionTab component.
Inspect CSS Check for any CSS conflicts that might be affecting the rendering of the AccordionTab.
Check Library Versions Ensure that you’re using compatible versions of PrimeReact and its dependencies.

By following these solutions and troubleshooting steps, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the PrimeReact AccordionTab not rendering when wrapped in a custom component issue. Happy coding!

Note: This article is SEO optimized for the keyword “PrimeReact AccordionTab Not Rendering When Wrapped in Custom Component”.Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “PrimeReact AccordionTab Not Rendering When Wrapped in Custom Component”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about PrimeReact AccordionTab not rendering when wrapped in a custom component!

Why isn’t my PrimeReact AccordionTab rendering when I wrap it in a custom component?

When you wrap a PrimeReact AccordionTab in a custom component, it can cause rendering issues due to the way PrimeReact handles its internal state. Try using a higher-order component (HOC) or a wrapper component with a key to ensure that the AccordionTab is properly rendered.

How do I troubleshoot the issue of my AccordionTab not rendering?

To troubleshoot the issue, try removing the custom wrapper component and see if the AccordionTab renders correctly. If it does, then the issue is likely related to the custom component. Check the component’s code for any rendering issues or conflicts with PrimeReact.

Can I use a fragment as a wrapper component for my AccordionTab?

No, using a fragment as a wrapper component is not recommended, as it can cause rendering issues with PrimeReact. Instead, use a full-fledged component with a key to ensure that the AccordionTab is properly rendered.

How do I preserve the state of my AccordionTab when wrapping it in a custom component?

To preserve the state of your AccordionTab, make sure to use a wrapper component that handles state changes correctly. You can use the `React.forwardRef` API to forward the ref to the inner AccordionTab component and preserve its state.

What are some best practices for using custom components with PrimeReact AccordionTab?

When using custom components with PrimeReact AccordionTab, make sure to follow best practices such as using a key for the wrapper component, avoiding unnecessary re-renders, and testing thoroughly to ensure that the AccordionTab renders correctly.

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