Demystifying the Mysterious Error: Getting Evaluating: eq('', 'true') Expanded: eq('', 'true') Result: False in my CDK Deploy
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Demystifying the Mysterious Error: Getting Evaluating: eq('', 'true') Expanded: eq('', 'true') Result: False in my CDK Deploy

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Have you ever encountered an error message that left you scratching your head, wondering what on earth is going on? The “Evaluating: eq('', 'true') Expanded: eq('', 'true') Result: False” error in CDK Deploy is one such mystery that can be frustrating and time-consuming to resolve. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to demystify this error and equip you with the knowledge to tackle it head-on!

What is CDK Deploy, and Why is it Important?

Before we dive into the error, let’s take a step back and understand what CDK Deploy is and its significance in the world of cloud computing. CDK (Cloud Development Kit) is an open-source framework developed by AWS that allows you to define cloud infrastructure in code. CDK Deploy is a part of the CDK ecosystem that enables you to deploy your infrastructure as code (IaC) to the cloud.

CDK Deploy is important because it provides a way to manage and provision cloud resources in a consistent, reproducible, and version-controlled manner. It allows developers to define the desired state of their infrastructure and deploy it to the cloud, ensuring that the infrastructure is consistent across different environments and regions.

The Error: Evaluating: eq('', 'true') Expanded: eq('', 'true') Result: False

Now, let’s get back to the error at hand. When you encounter the “Evaluating: eq('', 'true') Expanded: eq('', 'true') Result: False” error, it usually indicates that there’s an issue with the evaluation of a conditional expression in your CDK code. The error message can be quite cryptic, but fear not, we’ll break it down and provide some clarity.

The error message consists of three parts:

  • Evaluating: eq('', 'true'): This part indicates that CDK Deploy is trying to evaluate a conditional expression using the eq function, which checks if two values are equal.
  • Expanded: eq('', 'true'): This part shows the expanded form of the conditional expression, which still uses the eq function to compare two values.
  • Result: False: This part indicates that the evaluation of the conditional expression resulted in a false value, which is causing the error.

Common Causes of the Error

Now that we’ve broken down the error message, let’s explore some common causes of this error:

Incorrect Conditional Expression

A common cause of this error is an incorrect conditional expression in your CDK code. Make sure that the expression is correctly formatted and that the values being compared are of the same type.

// Incorrect conditional expression
if (myVariable && 'true') {
  // Code block

// Correct conditional expression
if (myVariable === true) {
  // Code block

Undefined or Null Values

If the values being compared are undefined or null, it can cause the error. Make sure to check if the values are defined before evaluating the conditional expression.

// Incorrect code
if (myUndefinedVariable === true) {
  // Code block

// Correct code
if (myDefinedVariable !== undefined && myDefinedVariable === true) {
  // Code block

Incorrect Function Usage

Another common cause of this error is incorrect usage of functions in your CDK code. Make sure to check the documentation for the functions you’re using and ensure that you’re using them correctly.

// Incorrect function usage
const result = cdktf.fn eq(myVariable, 'true');

// Correct function usage
const result = cdktf.fn.equals(myVariable, true);

Troubleshooting the Error

Now that we’ve covered some common causes of the error, let’s walk through some steps to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Check the CDK code for syntax errors: Make sure that your CDK code is free of syntax errors. Check for missing brackets, incorrect indentation, and other common syntax mistakes.

  2. Review conditional expressions: Review the conditional expressions in your CDK code and ensure that they’re correctly formatted and using the correct values.

  3. Check for undefined or null values: Check if the values being compared are undefined or null. Make sure to check for these values before evaluating the conditional expression.

  4. Verify function usage: Verify that you’re using functions correctly in your CDK code. Check the documentation for the functions you’re using and ensure that you’re using them correctly.

  5. Check the view raw log: Check the view raw log to see the exact error message and the context in which the error occurred. This can provide valuable insights into the issue.


In conclusion, the “Evaluating: eq('', 'true') Expanded: eq('', 'true') Result: False” error in CDK Deploy can be frustrating, but it’s not insurmountable. By understanding the error message, identifying common causes, and following the troubleshooting steps, you can resolve the issue and get your CDK deployment up and running.

Remember, CDK Deploy is a powerful tool that enables you to manage and provision cloud infrastructure in a consistent and reproducible manner. With the right knowledge and skills, you can overcome errors like this and achieve your cloud computing goals.

Error Cause Solution
Evaluating: eq('', 'true') Expanded: eq('', 'true') Result: False Incorrect conditional expression, undefined or null values, incorrect function usage Check CDK code for syntax errors, review conditional expressions, check for undefined or null values, verify function usage, check view raw log

We hope this article has provided you with the knowledge and skills to tackle the “Evaluating: eq('', 'true') Expanded: eq('', 'true') Result: False” error in CDK Deploy. Remember to stay calm, be patient, and don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you need it.

Frequently Asked Question

Encountering issues with `eq(”, ‘true’)` in your CDK deploy? You’re not alone! Check out these frequently asked questions to get back on track.

What does the error “Getting Evaluating: eq(”, ‘true’) Expanded: eq(”, ‘true’) Result: False” mean?

This error occurs when the AWS CDK is trying to evaluate a conditional statement, specifically the `eq` function, with an empty string as the first argument and the string ‘true’ as the second argument. The function returns False, indicating that the two values are not equal.

Why is the `eq` function being called with an empty string?

This is likely due to a configuration or code issue in your CDK application. Check your code for any places where you’re using the `eq` function with an empty string as an argument. Make sure you’re not accidentally passing an empty string as a value.

How can I troubleshoot this issue further?

Review your CDK code and configuration files to identify the source of the empty string. Enable debug logging in your CDK application to get more detailed output. You can also try running your CDK application with the `–debug` flag to get more verbose output.

Can I ignore this error and continue with the deployment?

It’s not recommended to ignore this error, as it may indicate a larger issue with your CDK application. Continuing with the deployment may lead to unpredictable behavior or errors down the line. Instead, take the time to investigate and resolve the issue to ensure a successful deployment.

Where can I find more resources to help me resolve this issue?

Check out the official AWS CDK documentation, AWS forums, and CDK community resources for more information on troubleshooting and resolving issues with the `eq` function. You can also reach out to AWS support for additional assistance.